Asana Guidelines 8 rules

  1. Use comfortable cloth (no belts, jewelry, etc.).
  2. Practice with empty bladder, stomach. Meal at least 2 h before class.
  3. Follow teacher’s instruction.
  4. Breathe through your nose.
  5. Your body is active but the and should remain watchful, alert and still.
  6. Yoga poses are not gymnastic exercises. They are positions that create energy patterns. Remain aware & observe yourself both internally and externally.
  7. Yoga is a discipline. It's a personal experience and not in any way competitive with other or with yourself.
  8. Yoga practice can be a great energy management tool through which you can create health and longevity.




W grudniu 2024

Grupy tematyczne

05.12 – spokojne poprawianie formy
12.12- coś w temacie kolan
19.12 – stojące i surya namaskar
26.12 –


8:00-8:45 pranajama Leszek

7 i 14.12

Ogólna 2 

18:15-20:15 ogólna 2  Leszek

8 i 15.12


20:20-20:50 medytacja Iwona
8 i 15.12











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